Apartments & houses Finding your feet quickly. Settling in.
Rents in the Zwickau Region have remained stable for many years. They are below the average for both Saxony and Germany. This also applies to the prices of building plots, which have levelled out at around half of those of the big cities. There are no short-term skyrocketing property costs here, as are found in Dresden or Leipzig.
For decades, municipal and cooperative housing associations have guaranteed stable prices. These partners' services can be used to find the right apartment quickly.
Good arrival. Good accommodation.
Anyone wanting to build their own home will find property in all sorts of locations. There's plenty to choose from to suit your lifestyle and finances. Harness the skills and advice of your local District Development, Building Inspection and Monument Preservation Office.
Our region has a long tradition of garden plots. There are over 100 garden plots in Zwickau alone. A garden is the ideal antidote to everyday life, just a few minutes from the city. Garden plots are perfect for families, single parents, older people and young people – in short, for everyone.
Children can play in the fresh air, away from roads and traffic. You can chat with your neighbours over the fence or pitch in when someone needs help. Or you can plant something, cultivate it carefully and enjoy watching it grow. A garden has a little bit of paradise for everyone.
Assisted living & care
It's easy to search for assisted living and care services using the District of Zwickau's Care Network.