Arriving finding a new home in the Zwickau Region.
Who can help me organise my move? Is there any financial assistance? Which town will suit me? Where can I work? How do I find a job? As a family, what will help us settle in? Are there any sports clubs or cultural societies? How is childcare organised in kindergartens? Where can I find the right school for my children?
The Zwickau Region Welcome Center is here to help you find answers to these questions. This website provides all the information you need about arriving in the Zwickau Region. We also provide advice over the telephone, and will be happy to meet you in person.
Your Welcome Center:
Good advice. Easy to find.
Business and Innovation Centre (BIC) Zwickau GmbH, Lessinstrasse 4, 08058 Zwickau, Germany
Please call for an appointment.
Phone: +49 (0) 375 21186327
A warm welcome to the Zwickau Region! Find information on German visas, entry requirements, application forms and contacts in your home country.
Staying here
You'd like to accept an interesting job in the Zwickau Region? Find out what you need to know about working in Germany.
Recognition for qualifications
Looking to work in a profession you are already trained in? Find out how and where you can obtain recognition for your qualifications.
German language courses
Find out about German language courses and whether financial support is available.