Learn well.
Know more.

kids sitting in the grass and listening the teacher who hold an model of a wind turbine in hands

Education & learning Know what’s possible.

A traditional and strong economic hub in Saxony, the Zwickau Region has always been a centre for education and training.

The region offers a wide range of high-quality services, from primary schools to grammar schools; from vocational training centres to universities. Lifelong learning is open to all: school pupils, trainees/apprentices, students and those in work.

The doors of our many educational facilities are open to everyone for their own personal fulfilment.

Another advantage is the close links, networks and partnerships between education and business. We believe in professional guidance for getting young people in particular off to a flying start professionally.


Education monitoring undertaken by the New Social Free Market Initiative, a German think tank, in 2020 ranked Saxony in first place. The school network is rich, varied and easily accessible. Take a closer look!


Further study

A practical programme of study at the local university of cooperative education or university of applied sciences opens the door to a career at a top company in the region. University education right on your doorstep: Quick. Affordable. Successful.


Vocational training

The economy is flourishing, so there are currently more apprenticeships available in the Zwickau Region than there are school-leavers. There is a place for all young people. Getting onto the career ladder is easier here than anywhere.


Further education & training

Lifelong learning is in more demand than ever. Digitalisation, e-mobility and the energy revolution are transforming all professions. Right here, right now ‒ not at some vague time in the future. Go with the times. Stay up-to-date.